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Meet the Class of 2022!
In their graduation speeches, these students reflect on their time at Montessori and offer some impressive insights for success. Meet the graduates and read excerpts from their speeches.


"Here are some words of wisdom for the future eighth-graders: You are who you are. You are yourself, and do not let anyone change that. You are very special to Montessori, and Montessori loves you back. Be yourself because you have your hidden talents, they may be right in front of us, we just don't go looking for them. Search for yourself."



"That's the beautiful thing about Montessori. I was taught how to teach myself."

"In C3 [Pre-Primary], I learned to ask questions. In E1 [Lower Elementary], I learned to voice my opinions. In E2 [Upper Elementary], I learned the importance of speaking up for others. But in middle school, I learned sometimes it's best to listen. Through group discussions about the world we live in, I realized that there is not always a right or wrong answer, just many perspectives, and it is our responsibility to acknowledge them all."



"I am going to share a quote by Maria Montessori that I think really shows what these 12 years I have had at Montessori have shown me:
'To assist a child we must provide him/her with an environment which will enable him to develop freely.'"

"Middle School gave me so many opportunities to get out of my comfort zone with trips, questions we ask, projects, and group lessons."

"I'm going to miss my time here at Montessori and couldn't ask for anything better. I loved it!"



"I have had a great Montessori experience."

"If any seventh graders asked me for advice, I would say make a plan. But be prepared to change that plan if something comes up that you weren't prepared for. Also, don't stress about things you can't change."



"Middle School has had a big impact on my life, by teaching me life skills in Lumbertown and Sample Farms. It has also led me to realize how grateful I am to have a Montessori education and had experience from (field studies) trips."

"It is going to be hard leaving Montessori after all these years and going to a whole new environment. But thanks to Middle School, they have prepared me for high school and I am ready to go."



"I have been at Montessori for 12 years and I can firmly say that this school has taught me many different lessons and skills. But the one thing that I have learned from day one, is perspective. The way you look at things and interpret them can change your whole day. And I used that skill everyday, even when I wasn't aware of it."

"As I leave Middle School to join the exciting place that is high school, I have some words of wisdom for future students. Don't underestimate the lessons and advice other classmates teach you. It's why Montessori is such an amazing school. It teaches while letting you teach yourself. I am very lucky for my education and I will always be grateful."



"Memories of Middle School bring to mind the trips ... Connection Quest: scavenger hunt and canoeing. Erdkinder: camping at Ms. Angie's land. OWL Low Ropes: teambuilding games. OWL High Ropes: Jumping off of tall stuff and doing things with therapy horses. Farm week/internship: Helping at Sample Farm by feeding pigs and getting eggs. NOLA Capstone: Bayou Tour and downtown New Orleans. AOS: Little Rock Central High and wilderness learning. And this year's Capstone trip to Austin and San Antonio about expressive cultures."

"If you ask me for advice, I will give some: Get your work done ahead of time!"

Class of 2022!
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